(937) 233-3444 | mail@hhfbc.com


Why HHFBC Kids?

Children are a blessing from the Lord and ministry to them is an essential part of our church. We seek to minister to children by partnering with parents to provide intentional spiritual care for each child. Together with parents, we will make every effort to equip each child for lifelong worship of God and service to Jesus Christ and his church.


We have make it our goal to equip and encourage parents to help their children meet various spiritual development milestones. These milestones shape the way that we minister to children and their families.





Equipping and encouraging parents to assume responsibility as the primary disciple makers of their children, devote themselves to the Word of God, and dedicate their home as a place of worship and instruction.


Equipping and encouraging parents to help their children deepen their understanding of biblical truths and how God's Word is relevant in all of life.
Equipping and encouraging parents to help their children discover the wonder of God and the truthfulness and authority of his Word.


Equipping and encouraging parents to help their children be disciplined to live for God, stay on the narrow path that leads to life, and reject habits and lifestyles that go against God's Word.
Equipping and encouraging parents to help their children navigate what it means to decide to follow Jesus, turn from sin, and live for God's glory.


Equipping and encouraging parents to direct their children as they consider how to follow Jesus and serve him and the church in the next stage of life.
Equipping and encouraging parents to help their children develop their understanding of who God is and how he has designed them as young men and women who bear his image.


Equipping and encouraging parents as they deploy their children into the world as mature disciples of Jesus Christ who are equipped and eager to serve him and his church wherever he leads.

Meeting Times

Sunday School
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Childcare and Kids Worship
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

We have classes available for kids birth through 6th grade. Once your child is checked in, one of our volunteers will help you find the right class. 
During corporate worship we have classes available every Sunday for kids birth through Pre-school. On the first and third Sundays of the month we have a kids worship service for kids in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
On the last Sunday afternoon each month during the school year we offer a fun and engaging ministry time for kids in Kindergarten
through Grade 6.

Exciting Events

At HHFBC we care about providing families with opportunities for children to grow and have fun. Throughout the year we have events designed for children to flourish by building a firm foundation in God's Word and friendships that will last a lifetime! Here are just a few of the exciting things going on in our children's ministry:
  • Kids Day
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Activities
  • and more



Child Wellness

Upon arrival at HHFBC, make your way to the left hand side of the lobby to the Children's Wing. In the Children's Wing, you will be greeted by our check-in team. If you are visiting for the first time, you will need to register your child by filling out a brief information form. Families can start checking kids in 15 minutes before Sunday School and Corporate Worship.

When checking in a child with a diaper bag, bottle, or cup, please label these items so that our volunteers can best serve your family.

Once your child is checked in, a set of labels will be printed. One label will be placed on your child's back and one label will be given to the adult dropping off. This label must be returned to the classroom to pick up your child. This process ensures the safety of our children.
We value the health and safety of all of our children and ask that you keep your child at home if they have experienced any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours:
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive Coughing
  • Any Contagious Conditions (including head lice)